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Frames are a subdivision of the browser window that contain an HTML document. Frames let you put multiple documents in their own parts of the browser window. Sometimes, browsers do not accomodate frames and when this occurs an alternative has to be given. So, when developing the content of your page, make sure you develop for browsers that support frames and for ones that don't.

First you need to set up your layout or frameset document. This tells the browser what frames are available and where they go. To start developing the frameset document, use the <FRAMESET> tag. If you want to specify a width for the border use the BORDER=n tag, where n is the number of pixels. You can also specify the border color by the BORDERCOLOR=#rrggbb tag. COLS="n,n" and ROWS="n,n" tells the column dimensions and row dimesions, respectively, in pixels, percentage or in terms of remaining space.

First I made a file called index2.html that contained the following code:

<FRAMESET COLS="50%,50%">

<FRAME NAME="Right" SRC="right.html" NORESIZE="YES">

<FRAME NAME="Left" SRC="left.html" NORESIZE="YES">

Then I made the files called right.html and left.html, which are the files that will be put into the page containing the frames. The file right.html will go into the frame on the right and left.html will go into the frame on the left. Contained in these files are the top 10 countdown of music from last week and this week.

The following is the code that will tell the user that they are trying to access the page without a frame supported browser. This code goes after <FRAMESET COLS="50%,50%">

<NOFRAMES> The page you are trying to load uses frames. It is recommended that you use a frame supported browser. If you still would like to view the page go to the <A HREF="nomenu.html"> non frames page. </A> </NOFRAMES>

The page containing the frames looks like this: Frames page

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times since June 24, 2001

Last Updated March 14, 2001