Adding Backgrounds
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Backgrounds help set the tone for a site, and adding one is very simple. There are two ways of adding a background: using a solid color or using a graphic. We will first look at using a solid color background.

Using a Solid Color

There are two ways of using a solid color. You can use the name of the color such as blue or red, or you can use the code number for the color such as #FFFFFF (this will be explained later in the tutorial). To add a background color we use the attribute BGCOLOR="color" inside the BODY tag

<BODY BGCOLOR="color">

The name of the color or the code is substituted where it says "color". Suppose we want a blue background. This is what it will look like:


Using the color code allows for a wider range of colors that can be used and helps make your site more unique. All color codes begin with "#" and consist of 6 digits, a combination of letters and numbers. You can experiment with these digits. Two of the most commonly used color codes are black (#000000) and white (#FFFFFF). This site provides a chart with a few colors to get you started. Here's an example using the color code. It will produce a shade of blue.


Using a Background Image

Adding a graphic for the background is just as easy. File names for the graphic must end with either ".jpg", ".jpeg" or ".gif". When using a graphic, the web browser will tile the picture for you.

Below is an example of a background graphic. Clicking the graphic will open a new browser window to show how it is tiled.

In order to use a graphic as a background we use the attribute BACKGROUND in the BODY tag and set it equal to the name of the graphic:

<BODY BACKGROUND="graphic.jpg">

When creating a background you can use both a solid color and a graphic. The solid color appears first while the graphic is loading, and once the graphic has loaded it will cover the solid color:

Order doesn't matter with the BGCOLOR and BACKGROUND attributes. Switching them will produce the same results:

<BODY BACKGROUND="graphic.gif" BGCOLOR="#000000">

Here is a sample page of what we have covered so far:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>Title of page</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" BACKGROUND="graphic.jpg">

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times since June 24, 2001

Last Updated March 21, 2001